Autumn Swell is delivering the goods

Autumn Swell is delivering the goods

The autumn swell has officially arrived on the east coast and it’s been packing a punch over the past week. Today we have seen swell around 4-6ft depending on what beach you’re sitting on. The south facing beaches would have received some 6ft sets through earlier today, while the open eastern beaches would have had a consistent 4ft rolling in.

At the end of last week we had some amazing conditions at the beach – Stormy sky’s and clean water surface gave it a kind of Armageddon feel which made for some different photo’s. I’ve actually taken so many photo’s over the past week that I will be posting another blog on Friday with some more pictures which I’d like to show you.

I’ve spent a lot of time shooting Dee Why Point during the past few days so I should have all the “Have You Been Spotted?” photo’s uploaded within the next day or so. It’s been great taking shots of such talented surfers in good autumn swell, with so many waves on offer nobody was complaining.

If you are a returning visitor to my blog you will notice that I have made some changes to the website. There’s still lots of changes coming including content, gallery’s and additional ways to purchase any image. I’d love to hear your feedback on the new site so please leave your comments below.

Enjoy the Surfography 🙂

Surf News: The Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach starts it’s waiting period tomorrow 24/03 – Catch all the action live through the online streaming.

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